Stay tuned! Something HUGE is coming. As you can see on the quoted post we have Danesh and TikTok on creator video conference calls laughing about the suicide of a 14 year old girl. When I was brought in I was asked to research and do what I do Match Vibes.
Who is Danesh Noshirvan? How does his botnet work? More to come this weekend.oh, and did I mention there is a massive class action (we've identified over 400 victims) RICO case being brought by 6 of the top attorneys in the country including the attorney who is currently suing Twitter and AntiFashGordon Christian Exoo and others -for doxxing. We have more proof against TikTok and Denesh and more victims.
Sign the petition:
Thank you to @shadowknight412 for the promo video. This is amazing.
Please visit for the best video streaming free speech platform on the internet.
YourDaddyJoey is a user-generated social media / news reporting / research providing organization for those who are curious and concerned about Far-Left influence in the United States.
BREAKING: Who wants to see 2,000+ pages of Dominion internal Emails that have just been leaked?
Yes, I have them.
We are digesting them now, and distributing them to parties, and will release them in full within an hour.
Source: TheResearcher2020 (I do not confirm nor deny being TheResearcher2020).
UPDATE: Here they are: