Racist Revenge Pornographer Cyber Bully Child Killer Danesh Noshirvan makes a video Mashup with his pal the Child abuser Brittany Selby and claims a man in the video abused a kid.
EXCEPT the person in the video abusing the kid is NOT the man who's life Danesh and Brittany just ruined. Both have deleted their videos, but not until I stepped in and actually figured it out.
Both Danesh and Brittany ruined an innocent man's life because of their piss poor quality research and their dog whistling for harassment videos.
YourDaddyJoey is a user-generated social media / news reporting / research providing organization for those who are curious and concerned about Far-Left influence in the United States.
BREAKING: Who wants to see 2,000+ pages of Dominion internal Emails that have just been leaked?
Yes, I have them.
We are digesting them now, and distributing them to parties, and will release them in full within an hour.
LEGAL: http://www.givesendgo.com/joeycamp
Source: TheResearcher2020 (I do not confirm nor deny being TheResearcher2020).
UPDATE: Here they are: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/112337706493582419