Seeth Danesh NotSoBright.
Today I think I will utilize those 87,000 new IRS agents to investigate your donations. I pay my taxes, do you?
3 victims, Texas, New Jersey and Florida have obtained temporary restraining orders over night.
Time for the epic meltdown and criminal retaliation by Danesh NotSoBright and his criminal conspirators -Savannah, et al. (Each have a pivotal role in the Danesh Enterprise).
One of Danesh's victims has an FBI Executive Protection Detail (unknown to him) for the last 6 months. He sure is going to have a problem with is multiple malicious false reports -he isn't taken seriously any more. He's a fucking joke. Just visit for more info about his conduct.
The Jersey victim couple are leading the Class Action Civil RICO Litigation that began all of this and a Wealthy Connecticut man (and victim) has been financially supporting it.
When I am leaked by an anonymous source a copy of the video with the service of process I will share it here -I am sure I will get a copy- and we can all lulz some more.
Hey Danesh, it's not what you see on random fucking screenshots on the internet. It's what you can actually prove, and you can't prove shit with unauthenticated fake and forged / photoshopped screenshots.
YourDaddyJoey is a user-generated social media / news reporting / research providing organization for those who are curious and concerned about Far-Left influence in the United States.
BREAKING: Who wants to see 2,000+ pages of Dominion internal Emails that have just been leaked?
Yes, I have them.
We are digesting them now, and distributing them to parties, and will release them in full within an hour.
Source: TheResearcher2020 (I do not confirm nor deny being TheResearcher2020).
UPDATE: Here they are: