Whomever coordinated this massive litigation nightmare on Breakfast Pastry Danesh Noshirvan is a freaking genius. If they did so while 100% in transit and outside the United States over the course of 1 and half years and 100 gigs of preserved research with ZERO contact with any of the Plaintiffs or their legal counsel, they are simply undisputed Vibe Matcher.
All the while also being a perpetual traveler with his other litigation causes right on his trail.
To support ME and my exile you can donate to http://www.givesendgo.com/joeycamp2020 (all funds are completely anonymous, to the platform and myself even so no amount of discovery will dox the donors) and the funds are remitted to an international bank account in the name of my second passport (lawfully I changed my name days prior to aquireing my second passport just after I acquired residence status in a second country).
YourDaddyJoey is a user-generated social media / news reporting / research providing organization for those who are curious and concerned about Far-Left influence in the United States.
BREAKING: Who wants to see 2,000+ pages of Dominion internal Emails that have just been leaked?
Yes, I have them.
We are digesting them now, and distributing them to parties, and will release them in full within an hour.
LEGAL: http://www.givesendgo.com/joeycamp
Source: TheResearcher2020 (I do not confirm nor deny being TheResearcher2020).
UPDATE: Here they are: https://gab.com/JoeyCamp2020/posts/112337706493582419